Improving Turning Speed

7 years ago

Speedcubing Advice

I’m quite frequently asked for tips to help improve turning speed. As with lookahead, a decent amount of the improvement in your turning speed will come with practice and experience. An example you have probably heard me cite before is my one-handed turning. Although I completely understand the techniques required to turn a cube with my right hand, my fingers and muscles simply aren’t used to the moves, and I can turn a cube (one-handed) with my left hand almost 3 times faster. This is because of the hours and hours I have spent just practicing and doing solves.


To clarify, this short blog is mainly focused on the physical manipulation of the cube, but will also include some tips to improve turning speed in a solve (for example, by using better algorithms or move sets).


The most important thing is pretty simple - hardware. With the incredibly wide range of modern speedcubes available, it shouldn’t be too difficult to find yourself a cube which makes you comfortable, and more importantly, confident when trying to turn at a high speed.


If you have tried a bunch of different cubes and still seem to suffer lockups on even the most basic triggers (eg R U R’ U’), then the issue is likely to be with your turning style. Often, beginners will try and turn their cube aggressively and with a lot of force, when this isn’t really required at all. In fact, it’s probably preferable to turn more calmly and accurately - which may actually result in a higher overall turning speed. By keeping your hands quiet and keeping the cube in a stable position in the air, it will allow you to be more consistent with your fingertricks and turn more accurately. By “keeping your hands quiet”, I mean that you should try and keep your hands as close to a neutral position as possible at all times. For example, when you do a U move, your fingers and hands should barely move from their position, besides the index finger on your right hand. Similarly, when you do things like R/R’ moves, try to avoid exaggerated movements of your hand, and aim for a more subtle tilt of the right hand.


In my opinion, calm, accurate turning is a good goal for a beginner, as it lays a good foundation to allow you to transition more easily to doing solves at high speeds, as you won’t need to change very much about your fingertricks or hand movements, apart from just speeding them up. With regards to turning accuracy, we're lucky these days that cubing hardware is good enough that even the most inaccurate turners can get away with it. Still, turning too aggressively at a high speed can lead to lockups, and so from my experience, turning in a more calm manner will mean individual turns are more accurate and consistent. On big cubes, accurate turning is especially important. I also notice that when I get tired, I get a little bit more lazy with my fingertricks and my turning is less accurate - achieving consistency in your turns definitely requires a good degree of focus.


Another key thing to consider are the sorts of moves you actually do in solves, and whether they easily allow you to achieve a high turning speed. As an example, an F2L pair solution R U’ R’ U R U’ R’ is very “fingertrickable”, in that all you’ll be doing is just rocking your right hand back and forth whilst using your index fingers to do the U and U’ turns. This can be done very quickly. A shorter solution for that F2L pair (in half turn metric) is F’ U2’ F R U2’ R’. However, this solution is obviously a lot slower to execute as it is a 3-gen solution requiring you to fingertrick the F layer. These are the sorts of things to consider when deciding between different ways of solving pieces.


On the algorithm side of things, it’s pretty straightforward. Firstly, you need to use “good” algorithms, and then “good” fingertricks. Looking at PLL for example, there are some cases in which there is clearly a “best” algorithm for the majority of people, such as the T permutation, the Jb permutation, and the E permutation, along with fairly standard fingertricks. However, there are plenty of PLL cases where you’ll need to decide between a few algorithms and devise fingertricks that suit you best for each case. Because of individual habits and things such as hand size, what works for some people may not work for others, and it’s definitely good to experiment with different algorithms and fingertricks to figure out what works best for you, as fingertricks can be quite an individual thing. Certainly, watching the PLL fingertrick videos of the fastest cubers can be a good guide to help you with that.


Once you have fingertricks and algorithms with which you are comfortable, then it is really just a matter of drilling them over and over again to improve your execution speed. In solves, your hands will often be in non-standard starting positions before an algorithm, and so it’s useful to practice regripping before algorithms. Doing last slot + last layer scrambles can assist with drilling this.


In addition to practicing regripping before algorithms, it’s also useful to have multiple different fingertricks for the same algorithm (generally just from different starting hand positions). For example, I am able to perform a T permutation starting with my thumb on either the front or bottom of the cube. Flexibility in your fingertricks is quite important - the frequently cited example is the U2’ double flick fingertrick with your left hand. The ability to do U2 and U2’ very quickly is very beneficial.


It’s also important to know and understand your biases and use them to your advantage. Most speedcubers are either left or right-hand biased. Depending on your hand size and how that impacts your natural grip and fingertricks, you will have a certain level of ambidexterity. Examples of cubers who are very good at effortlessly switching between their left and right hands are Max Park and Hyeon Kyo Kyoung. I’m fairly biased towards my right hand, so generally if I have a decision between using my right or left hand to solve an F2L pair, I’ll choose the former. If you feel like you’re not very good on your opposite hand, then it’s definitely worth practicing, as it can be quite restrictive. If you’re right-hand biased, then a good drill is to do solves and force yourself not to use any R moves at all. In my opinion, the natural grip and hand positions of some people allow greater degrees of ambidexterity in solves, in addition to habits developed when starting out cubing.


The last thing I’d like to briefly mention is ‘riskiness’ of fingertricks. It’s pretty nice and actually looks quite cool to have all sorts of weird and fancy fingertricks in your solves, but when it comes to competition, the chances are that you’ll mess it up under pressure. If you attend WCA competitions, my advice is to try and keep your fingertricks and movements pretty standard. That is, don’t stray too far from a solid, neutral grip on the cube, and avoid using uncomfortable or difficult fingertricks.


I do think there is a slight element of natural ability for turning speed, and hands come in all different shapes and sizes. Not everyone can turn like Lucas Etter or Bill Wang, but for the majority of people, I don’t think this is much of a restriction on your solve speed. If anything, it may force you to be smarter and more efficient in your solutions to keep up with them.


I hope this blog helps, or at the very least, provided some insight or interesting information!

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Vlad  Sivak

Vlad Sivak Posted 7 years ago

Oh, that's what I missed. Thanks, Feliks

George Arikkat

George Arikkat Posted 7 years ago

Hi Feliks, thanks for the blog....

Can you also post a blog/tutorial video on PLL prediction while executing OLL?

Sichuan Lu

Sichuan Lu Posted 7 years ago

Hey Feliks! I have been very curious that when you're in competition, will you actually execute a “U2” AUF by useing your left index finger? 

Feliks Zemdegs

Feliks Zemdegs from CubeSkills Posted 7 years ago

George - perhaps, but I think that sort of thing is covered in the video tutorials.

Sichuan - of course! :)

Jesus Fonseca

Jesus Fonseca Posted 7 years ago

This is great, ill defenatly work more on my turning accuracy now and fingertricks.

Justin Ong

Justin Ong Posted 7 years ago

Do you use fancy fingertricks at competition most of the time or standard fingertricks.

Arin Singh

Arin Singh Posted 7 years ago

In your example solves video (that you did a few years ago)... You used some pretty cool fingertricks... Do you actually use them in your solves or used to?

Feliks Zemdegs

Feliks Zemdegs from CubeSkills Posted 7 years ago

Justin - I try to avoid doing awkward moves/regrips in official solves, and stick to things I know I can execute under pressure.

Arin - Not sure! :p Everyone has their own individual fingertricks for certain algs here and there, I may still use that stuff.

Arin Singh

Arin Singh Posted 7 years ago

Your B'day is coming :D :P 

Sam Durocher

Sam Durocher Posted 7 years ago

Feliks, Thank you so much for this site. This has helped me a lot.

Slush Puppy

Slush Puppy Posted 7 years ago

Which moves should you use your left hand for, and which moves should you use your right hand for?

Hao Lê

Hao Lê Posted 7 years ago

i think you should make a video to make us easier to learn

Rakesh Nama

Rakesh Nama Posted 7 years ago

Hey Feliks, What do you prefer about doing F' : with right hand index finger push or left hand index finger pull or using right hand thumb ?

I often use first option cause I've seen you doing this in J perm, P shape oll(R'U'F' one). But I'm slow in it's execution and sometimes get stuck. Please Share Your thought about it.

Feliks Zemdegs

Feliks Zemdegs from CubeSkills Posted 7 years ago

Thanks Sam!

Slush - So, because I'm right-hand dominant like most cubers, my last layer algorithms primarily use R U and F moves where practical. For the F2L, there are no strict rules, but I would prefer to rotate and do R&U moves rather than rotate and do L&U moves. If an F2L slot on the left hand side of the cube doesn't require a rotation, I'll generally use L and U moves to solve it as well.

Hao - plenty of videos on the site already :)

Rakesh - They're all pretty good and can be used in different scenarios depending on your cube grip.

Justin Ong

Justin Ong Posted 7 years ago

Does turning very slowly and slowly increasing the tps improve lookahead over time. Should i practice that. Last question;)

Feliks Zemdegs

Feliks Zemdegs from CubeSkills Posted 7 years ago

I think that's not a bad thing to do - lookahead *improvement* will come from pushing your limits and really extending yourself, but when you're starting out, doing slow turning will help you get familiar with the action of actually looking ahead.

Inigo Palisoc

Inigo Palisoc Posted 7 years ago

When should i stop doing slow turning? around sub 15?

Justin Ong

Justin Ong Posted 7 years ago

Thanks feliks! :)


francis sanjay

francis sanjay Posted 7 years ago

Can you help me how to get 10?l,m a Sub 16 solver.





Tien Tran

Tien Tran Posted 7 years ago

Is this the reason why you have 9 tps?


Jin Yang

Jin Yang Posted 7 years ago

Hi Feliks. Well, I can do most algorithms quite fast, but when it comes to solving the whole cube, I just do each algorithm much slower than it is practiced alone. I've tried PLL Attack long before, with a best time around 37s. I think it's not bad. But I just wonder why I can't do as fast as I practice every single algrothm.

Manuel Gutman

Manuel Gutman Posted 7 years ago

does slow turning still work when you are like sub 8?

Hoshi Zemek

Hoshi Zemek Posted 7 years ago

Hey Feliks 

I created a new algorithm for star wars

Do you want to Know what it is 

Hoshi Zemek

Hoshi Zemek Posted 7 years ago

it s R2 D2


Ma Harry

Ma Harry Posted 7 years ago

Hi feliks, I would like to ask if yau5 is your main 5x5 method?

Alex Edrich Lim

Alex Edrich Lim Posted 7 years ago

Awesome thnx feliks

Aaditya Sikder

Aaditya Sikder Posted 7 years ago

Any 3x3BLD or Megaminx tutorial please

Jason M

Jason M Posted 7 years ago

Make 2x2 Tutorials pls

Cuberious The SpeedCuber

Cuberious The SpeedCuber Posted 7 years ago

Do you, Feliks, do hand exercises before official/unofficial solves?

Can you do a video where you just scramble a variety of different 3x3 cubes and show everyone that they can achieve your unmatched TPS with accurate turning?


Will using a dollar store cube help me turn more accurately?

Tiago Oliveira

Tiago Oliveira Posted 7 years ago

My average is around 12 second and i start cubing  6 months ago. Is that good.


Tiago Oliveira

Tiago Oliveira Posted 7 years ago

Please do a video: tips to be sub 10 .

Please feliks answer my question.

Feliks Zemdegs

Feliks Zemdegs from CubeSkills Posted 7 years ago

Harry - It isn't.

Aaditya - Plenty on Youtube, and we're hoping to develop some for CubeSkills in time as well :)

Jason - Same comment as above :p

Cuberious - Not really, I just warm up my mind and try to warm up my hands as well, by doing solves. I'd recommend against using a dollar store cube though haha, just turn more accurately on a speedcube.

Tiago - that's fantastic progression! I have heaps of tips in the advanced F2L and advanced LL video modules on this site.




guo ziyuan

guo ziyuan Posted 7 years ago


 Why doesn't the site have its own translation

Rishabh Agarwal

Rishabh Agarwal Posted 7 years ago

another WR from u ... XD

Rishabh Agarwal

Rishabh Agarwal Posted 7 years ago

OMG Wow thts so great ..... do u use this as ur main method or is it reduction ??... and what are your thoughts on the new WR... it would be amazing if u get a sub 4.5 solve or even sub 4.3 .. that wud be amazing... but as usual it wud be not a big deal for you.. just another usual WR from u ...XD

Sai Swayam Shree

Sai Swayam Shree Posted 7 years ago

Hi Feliks. Why don't u make tutorials of all knd of puzzles including skewb , pyraminx , 2x2, megamynx, etc?? That would be great.

Sai Swayam Shree

Sai Swayam Shree Posted 7 years ago

Sorry. U had replied for this type of question above. I didn't see. 


Zac Jamison

Zac Jamison Posted 7 years ago

Do you think you could make either a blog or a video set of "how to be sub-x" videos. I've been stuck at 12 seconds for almost 6 months now on 3x3 and I am starting to get frustrated and I don't know where to go to become sub-10. If not do you think you could just reply to this comment giving me some pointers or things you did to become sub-10 from 12 seconds?

Khai Xi Lim

Khai Xi Lim Posted 7 years ago

I started to play rubik's cube half year ago and my overall average is about 30-35 second is this good for now?

Kjell de Groot

Kjell de Groot Posted 7 years ago

I just wanna say thanks for all the tips :)

Tien Tran

Tien Tran Posted 7 years ago

Tiago Oliveira  

How do you get avg 12 seconds so fast??? It took me 1 and a half years just to get there.

Jason Santoso

Jason Santoso Posted 7 years ago

when do you think is the right time to enter a competition?

Im currently sub 20 and im currently dont know if i should enter one

Pablo Cuber

Pablo Cuber Posted 7 years ago

On your Youtube playlists, did you just compile all your video tutorials here into playlists there? I think that it defeats the purpose of this website, since you can just get it from youtube

Snow Chou

Snow Chou Posted 7 years ago

Hi Feliks, thanks for this blog, very useful, and inspiring.

"On the algorithm side of things, it’s pretty straightforward. Firstly, you need to need to use “good” algorithms, "

There are two "need to". Can you edit and fix the typo?

Feliks Zemdegs

Feliks Zemdegs from CubeSkills Posted 7 years ago

Snow - Thanks, fixed up! :)

Pablo - nope, it certainly doesn't defeat the purpose of this site haha.

Jason - completely up to you, but the sooner the better! It doesn't matter what your average is at all.

Cuberious The SpeedCuber

Cuberious The SpeedCuber Posted 7 years ago

Feliks, were you the person on's channel that did a tutorial on how to tension a speedcube, using a Cong's Design Cube?

Bayan Mardon

Bayan Mardon Posted 7 years ago

How do you feel about being number two now feliks. im devestated. WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Karthik Malavathula

Karthik Malavathula Posted 7 years ago

I HAVE A IMPORTANT QUESTION hi Felix thanks for reading this. You have stated multiple times that f2l is the key to speed solving. Can u show us a video (just like oll and pll) about the fingertricks for f2l algs that u use. That would be very helpful.

Karthik Malavathula

Karthik Malavathula Posted 7 years ago

P.S. if u cannot post the video of your f2l algs for all 41 cases for some reason, can u please post a pdf of your CURRENT f2l algs that u use in speed solving. That would also be greatly appreciated!

Mark Celemen

Mark Celemen Posted 7 years ago

Hey Feliks, Will you ever do a tutorial on how to be Sub-20,15 or 10?

Bea Alexandra Marie Flores

Bea Alexandra Marie Flores Posted 7 years ago

How quick did it just take you to a sub 12 second solve? Aside from f2l and look ahead, what are other tips you can give?


Zach Lovern

Zach Lovern Posted 7 years ago

Wow how do you do it!?!? I really look up to you

Sam Durocher

Sam Durocher Posted 7 years ago

Hey Feliks, I am currently stuck at around the 20 second range. Some people said to take a break some people said just keep practicing. Which should I do?

Kevin [Last Name Is Not Shown]

Kevin [Last Name Is Not Shown] Posted 7 years ago

Sam Durocher,  it depends on how what you're doing currently.

If you're practicing constantly and non stop. I feel like you should take a break and relax for a bit just to cool off.  On the other hand if you're practicing at a moderate pace (just doing random solves and learning algorithms), then you should keep doing that. Hope you reach the sub 20 range soon!

Sam Durocher

Sam Durocher Posted 7 years ago

Okay, thanks so much! Also, do you think I should also work on look ahead?

Saidheeraj  Janagama

Saidheeraj Janagama Posted 7 years ago

Hi feliks this is SID, I actually learned how to solve a rubiks cube (beginner's method) and I want to be a speed cuber like you, I searched a lot on how to be speedcuber and many people said CFOP is a method to learn but I'm not able to find it in like it's saying oll and pll but can u please make a separate module on CFOP like CROSS, F2L,OLL AND PLL?  Please ? I actually loved the way you taught BEGINNER'S METHOD I ACTUALLY LEARNED IT HERE, so can u please help me with CFOP,?

ZACK chow

ZACK chow Posted 7 years ago

damn it son


ZACK chow

ZACK chow Posted 7 years ago

i got a 7x7 sheng shou and i am trying it


Sam Durocher

Sam Durocher Posted 7 years ago

Feliks, do you think look ahead is important to get faster?

Karthik Malavathula

Karthik Malavathula Posted 7 years ago

PLS READ THIS FELIKS I SPENT 1 HOUR WRITHING THIS: Thank so much for reading this I have an important question but I want to leave that to the end. I first want to thank you for all the stuff you have helped me. You have encourages to to pursue cubing after 1 year of me feeling lonely and having no friends. I thought nothing was fun and spent lunch sitting in an empty table. I first tried cubing bit I had quit for 1 year because the information in the web was not organized and clean. They would teach it in the hardest way possible. (This might be because of what websites I was looking at.) One example is not giving tips on how to memorize long algs. You have no idea how much time that tip has saved me. After a year of feeling bad I had enough. I decided to come back to cubing and I found your website, I instantly fell in love. I was astonished that you are taking the time out of our life to help make younger people with the goal of becoming a champion at solving the Rubiks cube like you. I rarely see that world #1 person at a specific activity helping others for free. I am a sub-30 solver now and in 6th grade currently. I have now made friends because the public domain were intrigued by my fast hands. My life turned around when I met your website. I could have have been the person I am today without your help. Your website is so organized and made everything look so easy. It is actually kind of strange because the things that are very little known might change your life life forever. (in this cause, cubing changed my life forever.) You have no idea how much I want to thank you right now. Although it might seem like a stupid website for you and some other people, it was life changing for me and I want you know that. All that put aside, my question is if you can post your current f2l algs that you currently use while speedsolving. (in a video or in a pdf.) You have said many times that f2l is the key to speed solving. Posting your f2l algs is another step from making this amazing website to a splendorous website. I want to say a very last thank you and lots of love coming form a 6th grader in California. I hope boredom didn't tire you while reading my long essay and I hope you can answer my question. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :) :) :)

Karthik Malavathula

Karthik Malavathula Posted 7 years ago


second line : encouraged me to*

third line : cubing but I*

Oska Sam

Oska Sam Posted 7 years ago

go cubers!


raveena vertrivel

raveena vertrivel Posted 7 years ago

Hi, Feliks. What are u using. Please tell me. My phone number is 0169543396. Or on this pg. I want 2 talk to u and ask u some questions. Please...


raveena vertrivel

raveena vertrivel Posted 7 years ago

I meant,what method  are using?

raveena vertrivel

raveena vertrivel Posted 7 years ago

Orelse I will die...


Yash Cuber

Yash Cuber Posted 7 years ago

Hey Feliks what about 3by3 BLD tutorials next, by the way nice tips for TPS.

Sam Durocher

Sam Durocher Posted 7 years ago

Hey Feliks, I am currently stuck at around the 20 second range. I have gotten 1 sub 20 avg5 with 3 19s solves with a 20 and a 21. I am trying to get consistently sub 20. Any advice? Some people said to take a break some people said just keep practicing. Which should I do?

Sam Durocher

Sam Durocher Posted 7 years ago

Oh, and also- Do you think lookahead and slowsolves would help?

Feliks Zemdegs

Feliks Zemdegs from CubeSkills Posted 7 years ago

Raveena - I use the CFOP method for speedsolving :)

Yash - this is planned, but I'm not a BLD solving expert, so I'm currently working with somebody to try and get these started :)

Sam - Slow solves and practicing lookahead will help, but it really depends on what you know and what sort of solving habits you have. I suggest to definitely finish learning PLL if you haven't already done so, and make sure that your F2L pair solutions are very efficient. For heaps more detailed advice, check out the intermediate F2L and intermediate last layer modules.



Steven Velasco

Steven Velasco Posted 7 years ago

Hello Felix! I just wanna ask you to please do a F2L algorithms module for Advanced or Intermediate Cubers?, because it seems like I don’t execute cases correctly. Also may you please do more reconstructions in the future?

Adhruth  Ganesh

Adhruth Ganesh Posted 7 years ago

Hi. I have a gan 356 air um. How would lubing the cube with maru affect it when compared to the gan lube? What would I be losing if I lube it with maru and not the gan lube?

Can you please help me out??

Eric Li

Eric Li Posted 7 years ago

I average 13 seconds on 3x3, and my tps is 5 tps. My f2l takes about 8 seconds, and I take 5 seconds for LL. Do you think I need to up my TPS, work more on f2l, or work more on LL?

Shankar S

Shankar S Posted 7 years ago

Eric you need to improve your LL to about 3 seconds(not primary issue though)

F2L is primary, 6 seconds on avg is good.

Spend more time in the cross if u want to make f2l more "fluid"

Shankar S

Shankar S Posted 7 years ago

Adruth lubing with maru makes it fast but for a very short time. 

GAN lube is similar to a semi viscosity weight 3 (I guess) and it lasts longer than maru. 

nathan agan

nathan agan Posted 7 years ago

should i get a magnetic cube because i have a rough turning style


HARDIK BHADAURIYA Posted 7 years ago

i think you should improve your turning part.....trey to be fluent and consistent...afterwards if you feel  then you can get a magnetic one


Felix Yu

Felix Yu Posted 7 years ago

I need help improving my f2l speed because right now it takes around 20 seconds. What do you recommend that I do?

William Yang

William Yang Posted 7 years ago

How can I improve a rough turning style


Yash Raj

Yash Raj Posted 6 years ago

I'm sub 15 but my lookahead is not up to can i overcome it.

jeremy jones

jeremy jones Posted 6 years ago



James  Maldonado

James Maldonado Posted 6 years ago

 I average about 3 minutes and my friends think im good and i told them i was actually trash. then they said that i should improve my speed and thie tutorial for improving speed is not really helping... so... if i could get this to feliks that would be awsome. Feliks, if your reading this email me at

Stanley Wang

Stanley Wang Posted 6 years ago

Your thoughts on Max Park not using double flicks in his solves?

Feliks Zemdegs

Feliks Zemdegs from CubeSkills Posted 6 years ago

It's unique and works for him and doesn't limit him very much because he's able to pull back his index incredibly fast. I'm not sure that absolutely everyone can replicate that style, but I think everyone can use double flick U2s and be just as fast, if not faster at them.

Cuberious The SpeedCuber

Cuberious The SpeedCuber Posted 6 years ago

If you like a certain person's turning style and it looks solid, but they developed arthritis, is it a risk to copy them?

Adam Fenn

Adam Fenn Posted 6 years ago

Triggers are becoming increasingly important to me as I move from 2 look PLL to full PLL.  I'd much prefer to learn standardized names for the tiggers rather than the nonsense ones I make up when I don't know what to call them.  Is there a reference somewhere for what most people refer to the tiggers as?

William Yang

William Yang Posted 6 years ago

They usually refer to the shape of the PLL with letters of the alphabet here is the PDF for all of them

William Yang

William Yang Posted 6 years ago

If you are talking about move sets then there are a total of four different move sets sexy move (R U R' U') Sledge Hammer (R' F R F') Reverse Sexy Move (U R U' R') and Hedge Slammer (F R' F' R)

张 超然

张 超然 Posted 6 years ago

very good


AMIRALI FARAJNEZHAD Posted 6 years ago

Can you tell me when i should increase my turn speed?some times it works and sometimes not.I am sub 9,I think i can be sub 8 because I have a lot of skills.Can you help me?



Master Jamin Hendricks

Master Jamin Hendricks Posted 6 years ago

Amirali,the more you practice, the faster your hands can be.

rohit aromal

rohit aromal Posted 6 years ago

that is very true


ZC Champagne

ZC Champagne Posted 5 years ago

Hi Feliks My name is Zach and I’m a twelve year old cuber, and I am a puzzle fanatic. I absolutely love rubiks cubes because every solve is completely different. I only know the beginners method and my solves aren’t to great I. Just started at CubeSkills and I am a fan of your and it would be amazing to hear back thanks!

Shuichi Madina

Shuichi Madina Posted 4 years ago

I'm 10. I've been cubing for a month and have just started to get sub 20s. Do you have any tips for me?


Aiden L.

Aiden L. Posted 4 years ago

I' 11. I've been cubing for 4 years but I am still extremely slow, with 22-25 second averages. Can you give some advice? Thanks




Drago Speedfist

Drago Speedfist Posted 4 years ago

I have been cubing for almost two years and I am sub-14. But I don't know how to get faster.


Zayden Liew

Zayden Liew Posted 4 years ago

To get faster, I like to practice all my PLL algorithms instead of only doing speed solves. I have only been cubing for 6mmonths and I am already sub-35

Zayden Liew

Zayden Liew Posted 4 years ago

I also practice my OLLs, although I don’t know full OLL yet. I only know 39 of them.

Zayden Liew

Zayden Liew Posted 4 years ago

You don’t want to develop bad habits in solves

Speed Cuber

Speed Cuber Posted 4 years ago

But Zayden, how do I practice my PLLs and OLLs?

I'm also sub-35, but I always use 2-look PLL because it was faster but I want to transition to PLL.

bob bill

bob bill Posted 4 years ago

It takes a lot of patience 

Speed Cuber

Speed Cuber Posted 4 years ago

Ok, thanks Bob

Ayush Potdar

Ayush Potdar Posted 4 years ago

I am cubing since a month but I am 1 minute and want to get sub 20 and I am searching for HELP.

bob bill

bob bill Posted 4 years ago

this site has pretty much all you will need to learn! practice learn cfop and get a speed cube and you should have no problem getting sub 30 then sub 20 takes more practice

A SpeedCuber

A SpeedCuber Posted 4 years ago

yeah it just takes patience too get faster, really

Gloria Collins

Gloria Collins Posted 3 years ago

Yeah practicing the algorithms helps a lot. I'm sub 25 with 4 Look Last Layer now.

mateo lopez

mateo lopez Posted 3 years ago

I don't want to learn new algs.

ik all cross oll's and 7 pll''s 

Idk F2L but i can do a back insert? idk what to call it and pls help I want to be sub 20

mateo lopez

mateo lopez Posted 3 years ago

i do be havin' good turning speed

bob bill

bob bill Posted 3 years ago

learn the algorithms, if you don't put in the work then you cant improve

mateo lopez

mateo lopez Posted 3 years ago

I did learn a few yesterday

Gloria Collins

Gloria Collins Posted 3 years ago

It's mostly just muscle memory.

mateo lopez

mateo lopez Posted 3 years ago


Zeke B

Zeke B Posted 3 years ago

@Aliya you should learn full oll. it made me sub 35 and helped me understand the cube more. if you don't like leaning algs then try and find a way out of every alg you know and see if you can make it faster. I found out a way out of at least 10 of the algs I know and they have been way faster. hope you have luck!

also 1 minute to 20 seconds? That's a long jump. it took me a year of focused practicing to get to 35 secs avg.

Zeke B

Zeke B Posted 3 years ago

not oll. pll! sorry I misunderstood

Zeke B

Zeke B Posted 3 years ago

and not @Aliya. @Ayush! sorry for all the misunderstanding.

Zeke B

Zeke B Posted 3 years ago

whatever both of you do what I said and I think you will be faster. Good luck to all of you.

Akash Sreedharan

Akash Sreedharan Posted 3 years ago

I would just like to raise a point here:

I think that having a WB for Highest TPS Solve is a category where guidelines are debatable.

lt to make rules for.I will just use myself as example; I global average about 9.7 and turn at about 6 TPS. I use full CFOP. I can consistently turn at 22 TPS for some triggers/alg spams. Based on my calculations, I could just spend 5-7 seconds spamming these algs/triggers to beat the world record(currently 13.81 TPS by Ruihang Xu).

Obviously that should not be counted as a WB. But are we going to discount WBs just because of a redundant few moves? What should the limits be?

I think my calculations are not perfect, after all I am just a kid. How long will it take YOU to spam triggers and beat the world record? Please reply.


Zeke B

Zeke B Posted 3 years ago

I like your idea. I think you should go for it.


Zeke B

Zeke B Posted 3 years ago

I only know full pll. and my average is 30 secs


Akash Sreedharan

Akash Sreedharan Posted 3 years ago

go 4 what?

Rafael Mahinay

Rafael Mahinay Posted 3 years ago

i know full pll, avg 5 is 26.94

but my turning isnt the best

Akash Sreedharan

Akash Sreedharan Posted 3 years ago

@Rafael Mahinay

Maybe you need a better cube.

If not, improve lookahead and F2L

Peter Watrner

Peter Watrner Posted 3 years ago

ive been practising for 4 months and i know full pll which i learned today and half oll and full 2look oll as well as advanced f2l and croos and i average sub 30


Clark Kring

Clark Kring Posted 2 years ago

i average around 21.62 for Ao5

Leo Argent

Leo Argent Posted 2 years ago

I usually average 32 seconds but i managed to scrape a sub 30 average.       :)

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